Our EMAILING SERVICES give access to:

MOMA executes client email marketing from A to Z, with improved ROI focus: From creative production to customer conversion

Listmanagement & monetization of database through our own API

Email and SMS loyalty marketing - reflexes

Why clients use our EMAILING SERVICES:

Monetization for trusted 3rd party lists

High volume Emailing / send outs

Listmngt - dedicated

Data purchase

CleanUp services

Direct ESP integration

Our EMAIL AFFILIATE NETWORK gives access to:

Own top converting email templates & assets (html, splittesting/proof of concept)

Pinsubmit and email submit brands managed exclusively by MOMA MEDIA

Bringing together top notch and trusted Email affiliates and advertisers

Why clients use our AFFILIATE NETWORK:

We know Mobile Content: experience: over 25+ yrs of combined experience (strong network & partnerships)

Design, proof of concept. We understand design & "Emailers/Pubs can do the rest"

Coop with global top-tier email publishers

KPIs: Branding - Traffic - Leads - Sales

First to market (!)

Seamless Integration & Tracking Targeting Adservices: in highest quality